
You control everything, from the cruise-altitude decisions to the smallest ground-level details.

Challenge yourself to create an efficient & profitable international hub in Career Mode, or create an artistic masterpiece without credit rating worries in Sandbox Mode.

Construct your terminal, hire staff, sign airline contracts, tweak the daily flight schedule, configure standby gate availability, plan & design your infrastructure — bag handling systems, roads & taxiways, fuel systems, runways, gates, hangars, service vehicles, and everything in between. Deeply simulated gameplay where each detail makes an impact — down to the trash cans.

Simple & familiar controls for a smooth takeoff
The starter airport helps get aircraft landing & cash flowing almost immediately. Aim for profitability by scaling up, but remember: more passengers, more problems! Getting 2,000 pax out is easy. Avoiding bottlenecks for 10k+ pax will likely require different tactics!

Large & complex airports require extremely smart designs.
Moving walkways, multi-story structures, additional terminals, one-way taxiways, staggered schedules, and careful standby gate allocation — these are but a sampling of the concepts you’ll leverage on your way to truly mastering the art of large-scale airport operations.

One size does NOT fit all.
It seems simple, placing restrooms or retail areas for instance — but it’s more than meets the eye! Pax may become distracted when seating or interesting services require a long walk or are far from their gate! Carefully consider the details to truly maximize your efficiency and reap the profits.

Happy Pax, Happy Airline.
Getting flights out on-time is only part of the battle. Ensuring passengers catch their flight is another. When operations run smoothly & pax are all happily catching their flights you can be pretty sure that the airlines are probably satisfied, too! If you keep the airlines happy you can probably raise prices without creating too much fuss — and that leads to bigger profits!

Core Gameplay
Career Mode & Sandbox Mode (unlimited funds)
16+ Aircraft, turboprop to turbine. 15 Airlines with realistic high-quality textures.
15+ research items to obtain improved transit, reporting, expansion, and other capabilities

Comprehensive Fuel System Simulation 
Fuel can be a profitable saving grace or you may even decide to sell at-or-below cost as a loss-leader tactic in your effort to gain favor with airlines. Leverage the Fuel Marketplace as much as you can, too — with enough capacity you may be able to cash in on any arbitrage opportunities that present themselves which can provide a welcome capital infusion.

Deeply Simulated Baggage Handling Systems
Conveyor to carousel, every single bag is tracked — watch as each piece of luggage makes its journey. Losing bags is a sure way to upset an individual pax, but it also starts causing issues with the airline when occurring often. Bag handling systems can be quite complicated and you definitely don’t want to become a case study like KDEN has! Take it slow and plan ahead — building a highly efficient baggage handling operation is no easy task and requires careful planning!

Pax Info Systems 
Info displays, kiosks, and public address speaker systems complete with Electronics zones to house the required amplifiers. Keep pax informed and they’ll have a greater sense of urgency as their departure time nears and they’re be far less likely to needlessly wander from their gate.

Robust Queues
Extremely powerful queue system provides you with full control. Supports numerous configurations include ‘one-to-many’ desks, to assign a single queue to multiple service stations. Optionally allows restrictions to be set per queue to allow/restrict certain types of people from using the queue (First Class, Coach, and Flight Crew) which you can leverage to create expedited queues for operational efficiency purposes.

Extremely Active Dev Team with a Proven Track Record 
We have a proven track record of delivering and we’ve deployed hundreds of public builds since entering Early Access. Countless suggestions have been implemented, sometimes the very same day they’re suggested. 

We listen, we care, and we work extremely hard to promptly incorporate feedback. You’ll find us on the forums nearly every single day of the week. Perhaps most important is that we deliver. This is true first class direct service — no connections, layovers, or diversions here!

Have questions or feedback? Let us know on the forums or reach out directly via email:

We hope to see you in the friendly skies!


Mac OS X
SteamOS + Linux


    • 操作系统: Windows 7+
    • 处理器: Intel i5/i7+ or AMD-FX+
    • 内存: 4 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Nvidia GeForce GT 550 or AMD Radeon HD 5000 – Integrated GPUs might not work
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 声卡: Any

    • 操作系统: Windows 8+
    • 处理器: Intel i5/i7/i9 8th gen+ or AMD-Ryzen
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970+ or AMD RX470+ – Integrated GPUs might not work
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 声卡: Any

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